The Wyoming Board of Parole has operated as an independent state agency since 2003. The Board conducts regularly scheduled hearings for eligible inmates housed at the five state institutions and three adult community corrections facilities. In addition to two hearing sets per month, the Board also holds an administrative meeting each quarter.
The Board acts as a decision-making authority regarding:
Granting of parole- releasing inmates to community supervision, or consecutive sentences, or sentences in other states (detainer).
Setting conditions of parole.
Revocations of parole based on violations of conditions.
Commutation recommendations to the Governor.
Removal and withholding of good time credits from inmates as a sanction for misbehavior or refusal to participate in rehabilitative programs.
Additionally, the Board works with certified victims to provide notification of parole hearings and updates on other related matters, and provides the opportunity for victims to provide input that is factored into the Board's decisions.
The Board makes informed decisions regarding the release of inmates are based on:
Assessed risks and needs.
Participation in responsive programs while incarcerated.
Likelihood of successful adjustment to the community and other relevant factors.
Structuring release plans with conditions designed to ensure successful re-entry into the community with appropriate levels of supervision and services.
*New Policy*
Letters of Support and Other Documents Submitted on Behalf of Inmates
The Board office submits hearing folders to the respective Board Panel two weeks before the scheduled hearings. All support letters or other documents relating to the inmate must be received by the Board staff one month before the scheduled hearings. If timely submitted, the documents will be included in the hearing folders that the Board Panel reviews. If not timely submitted, the documents will not be forwarded to the Board Panel.